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Irving Drug Lawyer

Have you been charged with a drug offense in Irving, TX? Speak to an Irving drug attorney with Chris Lewis & Associates, P.C. to discuss your defense options.

There are many different types of drug crimes in Texas. The penalties range depending on the circumstances of your case. For instance, if you have prior drug offenses, you could face more serious charges. If you are in possession of a large quantity of drugs, your penalties will likely be more severe than if you only possessed a small amount.

When you are being charged with a drug crime, you might not know where to turn for help. An Irving drug lawyer at our firm can help you face down your charge and work to keep your record clean.

Different Types of Drug Crimes in Irving, TX

Not every drug offense in Irving is treated equally. For instance, possession of a small amount of marijuana will not be treated the same as someone who is charged with running a major drug operation. Your crime and the penalties you face will depend upon the details of your case.

An Irving drug attorney can help you face down a drug charge, whether you’re facing a serious drug charge or a relatively minor one. You don’t want to make the mistake of treating your drug charge with nonchalance. Even minor drug crimes can impact your entire life.

Here are some of the different kinds of drug offenses a person could be charged with in Irving.

  • Marijuana possession
  • Possession of controlled substances
  • Manufacturer or delivery of controlled substances
  • Delivery of drugs to a child
  • Unlawful delivery of controlled substances
  • Possession of drug paraphernalia

Possible Defenses for a Drug Offense in Irving

If you’ve been arrested for a drug offense in Irving, you might believe there is no hope for avoiding a conviction. If you are in despair, know that there are ways to defend against conviction even when it seems impossible.

An Irving drug crime lawyer can examine your case to find a defense that could keep a conviction off your record or at least lower the penalties you will face.

Some possible defenses when charged with an Irving drug crime:

  • Someone is trying to set you up.
  • You were in possession of drugs unknowingly.
  • You are innocent of the crime you’ve been accused of committing.
  • You were in possession of drugs for personal use but weren’t selling drugs.
  • The police violated your rights.

Reach Out to a Drug Attorney in Irving, Texas

The consequences of a drug conviction in Irving are different for everyone, but you’re likely to be impacted no matter what. If you aren’t convicted, you could avoid the negative effects associated with a drug conviction. Your future is important to you, but no one will fight for it if you don’t.

Contact an Irving drug lawyer at our firm to see what you can do to protect your future. You have the right to build the best defense possible for your situation. A lawyer in Irving can help. Contact Chris Lewis & Associates, P.C. via the online form below or by calling 214-665-6930.


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