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Understanding Probation in Texas

April 11, 2019

When you’ve been accused of or convicted of a crime, understanding probation in Texas can help you through your case. If you’re struggling with a case, you may also be concerned about probation and the rights you might lose during your probation period.

If you’re concerned about protecting the rights you have and your freedom through probation, contact an attorney for help. We know that probation can be confusing, so make sure you understand your probation guidelines before you accept a probation agreement.

What Is Probation?

When you’re accused of a criminal offense and you’re concerned about minimizing your time in jail, you and your lawyer may choose to plead guilty and seek out a plea agreement. When this happens, you’ll typically have the opportunity to seek probation, which can mean less time in jail for your sentence.

Probation or community supervision means that, while your punishment isn’t over, you’ll be able to live more freely, rather than serving your whole sentence in jail. However, this freedom does come with restrictions. You’ll be unable to participate in certain activities until you’ve completed your probation period.

Felony vs. Misdemeanor Probation

When you’re facing probation, you’ll first need to understand your agreement and what to expect. However, you’ll also need to keep in mind that your probation will change based on the type of charges you’re facing, such as whether you’re accused of felony or misdemeanor charges.

For example, if you’re facing felony charges, you’ll have fewer rights and freedoms while on probation than you would with misdemeanor charges. For example, you may be unable to buy or have firearms during your probation.

You may also be banned from using alcohol or being in places where alcohol or narcotics may be found. These conditions are meant to protect you from losing your probation.

If you break any of the rules of your probation, you could lose the freedoms probation gives you. If your probation officer believes that you broke any of the terms of your probation, they may file a motion to revoke your privileges. If you believe your probation is in danger, reach out for help protecting your freedom.

Contact a Defense Lawyer for Probation Guidance

When you’ve been accused of a crime and you’re worried about jail time, you still have options for defending yourself against these accusations and protecting your future. You may even have a chance to avoid spending much of your sentence in jail.

However, understanding probation in Texas is vital to protecting yourself when you’ve been accused of a crime. You’ll need to reach out to your probation lawyer from Chris Lewis & Associates, P.C. to get the help you need understanding your probation and protecting your chances for probation.

If you’re struggling to understand your case and need help protecting your chance for probation, reach out for help. Our attorneys can give you the guidance you need to understand your probation agreement before you accept it.

When you’re ready to begin, contact a defense lawyer for help. We can be reached by calling 214-665-6930 or by filing out the online form below.


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