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What Is the Difference Between a Felony and a Misdemeanor?

A criminal conviction can have serious implications for your personal and professional future, regardless of the exact charges you’re facing. Whether you’re accused of a felony or misdemeanor, you need aggressive defense if you’re going to clear your name. If you’re asking yourself, “What is the difference between a felony and a misdemeanor?”, we break down how the consequences can vary between the two.

Felony and Misdemeanor Charges: What Is the Difference?

Crimes are categorized as either felonies or misdemeanors, depending on the severity of the charge in question. Almost always, misdemeanors are lesser offenses than felonies, and as a result, they typically carry lighter penalties for conviction. Misdemeanors can be classified as class A, B, or C offenses. Some examples of misdemeanor charges in the state of Texas include:

Felony charges, on the other hand, are reserved for crimes of a more serious nature. Felonies range from first-degree offenses down to state-jail felonies, which are the least serious offenses. Some examples of felonies include homicide, sex crimes, some drug charges, and many white collar crimes. The penalties for these types of crimes can range from significant time in prison to fines and even inclusion on registries, such as a sex offender registry.

Whether you’re facing a misdemeanor or felony charge, avoiding conviction is crucial to ward off significant personal and professional consequences.

Contact a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Dallas

You’ve been charged with a crime, but that doesn’t mean you’re a criminal. At Chris Lewis & Associates P.C., we can fight tirelessly to clear your name of misdemeanor or felony charges.

Don’t hesitate to contact a Dallas criminal defense lawyer from Chris Lewis & Associates P.C. by calling us at 214-665-6930 or filling out the form at the bottom of the page.


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