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For the defense you deserve.


Empower Your Defense: Understanding the Arraignment Process in Dallas

Dec 12, 2023

If you find yourself facing criminal charges, the path forward can be uncertain. The arraignment can be particularly confusing and anxiety-inducing for many individuals. Navigating this phase requires understanding the process and its implications for your case. If you need help for your upcoming arraignment, contact an experienced attorney. The Chris Lewis & Associates, P.C....

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Understanding Plea Bargaining in Dallas Criminal Cases

Dec 06, 2023

During a criminal case in Dallas, Texas, plea bargaining is a common practice. This process involves negotiation between the accused and the prosecutor. It offers the defendant a chance to admit guilt to reduced charges. At Chris Lewis & Associates, P.C., we encourage you to reach out for a confidential consultation. Let's discuss the details...

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Drug Defense Attorney in Irving

Dec 06, 2023

In Irving, Texas, drug-related crimes are a serious concern. Getting involved in drug-related activities such as possessing, distributing, manufacturing, or trafficking drugs can result in severe consequences. Texas laws about drugs can be very confusing, and breaking them can have serious consequences. A skilled criminal defense lawyer from Chris Lewis & Associates, P.C. can make...

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Ways to Deal With Insurance Companies After a Personal Injury in Dallas

Oct 10, 2023

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on navigating insurance companies after a personal injury in Dallas. We understand that dealing with insurance can be overwhelming, especially after a traumatic experience. However, with the proper knowledge and approach, you can confidently handle the process and receive the compensation you deserve.  Our guide will help you communicate effectively...

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The Impact of Social Media on Dallas Personal Injury Claims

Oct 10, 2023

Have you ever experienced a mishap, such as stumbling over a toy car left on the stairs by your child, resulting in an injury? This seemingly ordinary household accident may evolve into a personal injury claim if you reside in Dallas. However, consider this scenario: What if you shared the details of this seemingly humorous...

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