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Dallas Cybercrime Defense Lawyer

When you’re facing cybercrime charges, you don’t have to go it alone. Partner with a Dallas cybercrime defense attorney with Chris Lewis & Associates, P.C. to have legal assistance during your battle against conviction.

Computers and the internet have more than taken over our lives. Most people live on the internet, and this can make internet crimes more likely. Many people are victims of cybercrime, such as identity theft, fraud, and cyber bullying. If you’ve been charged with committing an internet crime, you can be prosecuted in the real world.

You could face jail or prison time, hefty fines, probation, and a permanent mark on your record. In addition, your life could be affected in other non-legal ways. For instance, you could struggle to secure employment due to a cybercrime conviction because potential employers might not trust you to work for them.

When you’re facing cybercrime charges, you can choose to give in, or you can choose to fight back. Call a Dallas cybercrime defense lawyer for help with your case.

What Types of Internet Crimes Are There?

The internet is a wide, sometimes dark, place. Naturally, there are a number of ways that people can commit crimes online. Although a crime might be committed in a digital world, the consequences will hit you in the physical one. Below, these are just some of the types of cybercrimes that exist in the world.

Whether the type of crime you’re facing is on this list, a Dallas cybercrime criminal defense attorney can help you face down your charge.

Consequences of a Conviction for a Dallas Cybercrime

The legal penalties you will face if convicted of an internet crime will vary greatly. For example, a fraud charge will be handled differently than a sex crime. Your penalties will also depend on other factors, such as your criminal history and the seriousness of the offense. No matter what, if you are convicted of a cybercrime, it will go on your permanent criminal record.

This could prevent you from securing certain types of jobs and it could cause embarrassment for you. You could go to jail or prison, you could be facing expensive fines, and you could be placed on probation. A Dallas cybercrime criminal defense lawyer will do everything they can to help you beat your charge.

Speak with a Cybercrime Defense Attorney in Dallas, Texas

When you’re faced with cybercrime charges, it’s easy to give up and sign a plea agreement. However, that’s not always the best solution for everyone. Signing a plea agreement means that you’re admitting guilt and you will likely be stuck with a mark on your criminal record forever.

It’s a good idea to talk to an attorney about your defense options because there might be a better option out there for you. Contact a Dallas cybercrime defense lawyer at Chris Lewis & Associates, P.C.. All you have to do is send in the form you’ll find at the bottom of this page or call 214-665-6930.


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